Täglich werden auf BBC die Shipping Forecast verlesen. Die Schiffswetter-Meldungen. Sie gelten als nationales Kulturgut und sind an Seeleute auf dem nächtlichen Atlantik gerichtet.

The shipping forecast is issued four times a day at 2300, 0500, 1100, 1700 UTC and covers a period of 24 hours from 0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800 UTC respectively.The waters around the British Isles are divided into 31 sea areas shown on the map. The forecast contains details of gale warnings in force, a general synopsis and sea-area forecasts containing forecast wind direction and force, weather and visibility.

-> Shipping forecast and gale warnings

-> Inshore waters and strong winds

BBC 4: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qfvv/episodes/player

Gale warnings are issued as required throughout the day (for winds of Gale Force 8 or more).

Gale: Winds of at least Beaufort force 8 (34-40 knots) or gusts reaching 43-51 knots

Severe Gale: Wind of force 9 (41-47 knots) or gusts reaching 43-51 knots

Storm: Winds of force 10 (48-55 knots) or gusts reaching 61-68 knots

Violent storm: Winds of force 11 (56-63 knots) or gusts of 69 knots or more

Hurricane force: Wind of force 12 (64 knots or more)

Imminent: Expected within 6 hours of time of issue 

Soon: Expected within 6 to 12 hours of time of issue 

Later: Expected more than 12 hours from time of issue

Coastal Waters Forecasts for UK inshore waters are issued four times a day and cover a period of 24 hours from 0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800 UTC.The coastal waters, up to 12 miles offshore, around the British Isles are divided into 19 areas shown on the map.The forecast contains details of forecast wind direction and force, weather, visibility and sea state.

1) Wind: 

Wind direction: North, East, South, West

– Wind force: Beaufort Scale

2) Sea state:

Calm: < 0.1m

– Smooth:  0.1m-0.5m

Slight: 0.5m-1.25m

Moderate: 1.25m-2.5m

Rough: 2.5m-4m

Very rough: 4m-6m

High: 6m-9m

Very high: 9m-14m

Phenomenal: > 14m

3) Weather:

Fair: No significant precipitation

Drizzle: Very small water droplets that fall slowly and reduce visibility





4) Visibility:

Good: > 5nm

– Moderate:  2-5nm

Poor: 1,000m – 2nm

Very poor or fog: < 1’000m

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